As 2014 comes to a close, I would like to thank all who have given me the chance to work on your bodies and who have shared their stories and their lives.
Give time to yourself to get what you need ~
This week a young girl of 13 came to see me after having gotten a Thai Massage gift card for Christmas. Her feet and legs were very tight from dancing Ballet. Starting very gently on her feet she gradually began to relax and fall into the therapy. We spoke about the need to stretch, and I gave her homework to help in the future. When asked how was the session her response was: "Awesome" and she gave me a big smile ~ that's what I need!
Thai Massage NYC Fern Thai @ 42nd St. Madison Av. NewYork invites you to her warm private studio We provide Traditional Thai Therapeutic Bodywork, Experience a wonderful healing and invigoration Massage in my unique style to improve yourself by renewing your body , mind, and spirit. Lat give yourself a little love with Thai Massage today!
Sunday, December 28, 2014
Sunday, December 21, 2014
Winter Solstice Greetings
Sunrise and Sunset 365 Days per Year
Each New Day is a Gift ~ Each Moment Anew
Spend time with Others ~ Spend time Alone
Make of this Life what you Will
Practicing Kindness along the Way
Special Gift From Thai Massage NYC ~
Get $50 off the price of your next session when you purchase two massage gift certificates.
Each New Day is a Gift ~ Each Moment Anew
Spend time with Others ~ Spend time Alone
Make of this Life what you Will
Practicing Kindness along the Way
Special Gift From Thai Massage NYC ~
Get $50 off the price of your next session when you purchase two massage gift certificates.
Sunday, December 14, 2014
New Yorker Holiday Give and Get ~
We at Thai Massage NYC Wish You Happy Holidays and are offering a Winter Special. Buy Two Sessions for a Friend and Get $50 off your Next Session. Your friend will love you for it...
Soothe those chilly muscles with a warm, wonderful Thai Massage!
Soothe those chilly muscles with a warm, wonderful Thai Massage!
Sunday, November 30, 2014
Giving Thanks on Thanksgiving

Sunday, November 9, 2014
~ Am back from trip to my native land and sorting through many wonderful pictures I took. Visiting the old fishing village in Phatthalung was an amazing experience! Taking a Sunrise boat trip was quiet, peaceful and ever so beautiful. The sky reflecting in the water had me thinking: the reflections go together, but sky is still sky, water is still water. They can get along with each other yet they are still on their own. It is the same with people: they can enjoy time together, share, reflect on one another and later they go on their own way. It is our nature to share, to join, yet each is a completely unique and perfect Soul.
Friday, October 17, 2014
Thai Massage NYC
We are a good girl and a very hard worker with good, strong hands, Everyone, please give us a try, and get to know us, then you will know who we are.
Thank you!
Fern Thai
Sunday, September 21, 2014
Secret of Thai Cooking
Beautiful classic image of ingredients used in Thai Curry Cooking, from my friend Ruchchaya.
The secret of Thai cooking lies in the mindfully loving preparation of meals using fresh ingredients and plenty of spice. Artfully prepared foods for all to enjoy. Whatever you do, do it with Love.
The secret of Thai cooking lies in the mindfully loving preparation of meals using fresh ingredients and plenty of spice. Artfully prepared foods for all to enjoy. Whatever you do, do it with Love.
Sunday, September 14, 2014
The Experience of Trying Something New
For the first time in my Life I had the chance to ride a School Bus ~ As a small child I always walked to school with my Mom. As I got older I rode my bike along with other kids in my neighborhood. In college I rode the large public transportation buses around Bangkok. In NYC it's subways and bicycles, in the countryside it's car transportation always......except for last weekend.
We went to the Oyster Festival in Norwalk, Ct. and had to take a School Bus from a local college to the Festival Site. It was so different from the subway or city buses. Everyone must sit facing forwards, follow the rules, share the space, sit in the rows. The driver went very slowly through the town, it felt very safe. It was a chance to try something different, something new.
Have you ever tried Thai Massage? If you have not, perhaps it's time to give it a try.
We went to the Oyster Festival in Norwalk, Ct. and had to take a School Bus from a local college to the Festival Site. It was so different from the subway or city buses. Everyone must sit facing forwards, follow the rules, share the space, sit in the rows. The driver went very slowly through the town, it felt very safe. It was a chance to try something different, something new.
Have you ever tried Thai Massage? If you have not, perhaps it's time to give it a try.
Sunday, August 24, 2014
Thai Massage NYC Blog: Thai Massage NYC ~ Classic Beauty Lies Within
Thai Massage NYC Blog: Thai Massage NYC ~ Classic Beauty Lies Within: Classic Beauty is unchanging in nature. We are given these lives, these bodies, this breath as a gift without conditions. It is up to us to...
Thai Massage NYC ~ Classic Beauty Lies Within
Sunday, August 3, 2014
Thai Massage NYC ~ Do You Follow Your Dreams?
Do you follow your Dreams? The difference between Dreams and Fantasy is in the work. Five years ago a young Thai man from the West Coast asked me how to start up his own business doing Thai Massage. He worked for someone else, but had dreams of one day having his own place. I shared with him my experiences and encouraged him to follow his Heart, go for his Dream. Every year since he has kept in touch, texting wishes of happy holidays and expressing his appreciation. In 2012 he got his Dream ~ Congratulations My Friend!
Montra Traditional Thai Massage in Sunnyvale, California ~
Sunday, July 27, 2014
Thai Massage NYC ~ Really Seeing ~
Sunday, July 20, 2014
Exploring Without Expecting
Explore but don't expect. Bruch in Beacon then driving on winding country roads, later found myself at the Housatonic River in Kent, Connecticut. There was an Indian Reservation, deep woods, waterfalls ~ so much nature and beauty. I did not expect anything yet had such a good time.
It's always best to let go of expectations. When you come for your session ~ let go, and let it flow.
It's always best to let go of expectations. When you come for your session ~ let go, and let it flow.
Sunday, July 13, 2014
Be Patient ~
Sunday, July 6, 2014
Honey Money
Today we came across a local honey stand. It was help yourself and put the money in the jar. Apparently the honey business is run by a student who uses the proceeds to help fund her flying lessons. She offers something good, something sweet and in return asks only for your honesty. When we practice honesty we get something sweet!
Sunday, June 22, 2014
Thai Massage NYC ~ Happy for You, my Dear Friend!
My Dear Friend Som, who modelled for me in my latest video, is now 5 Months Pregnant and more beautiful than ever! She works hard, never complains, is happy every time I see her, and is always willing to listen with an open ear and a loving heart. Last week I gave her with a big bag of baby clothes and she was so surprised and happy. I know she will be a wonderful Mom!
Friday, June 20, 2014
Thai Massage Is sometime called the "lazy man's yoga,"
Thai massage NYC provides traditional Thai therapeutic body work, in ways more restorative, energizing and rigorous than more classic forms of massage. Relax and get improved with my beneficial style which combines Pressure Points, Stretching, and Deep-Tissue Reflexology Techniques, customized to your personal needs.
Experience a wonderful healing and invigorating Massage in my unique style to improve yourself by renewing your body, mind, and spirit.
Relax today in my private studio next to midtown grand central. Treatments are by appointment only.
Thai Mass is sometime called the "lazy man's yoga,"
Sunday, June 15, 2014
Happy Father's Day
This Father's Day Weekend was a chance to get out and enjoy the beauty of Nature along the Hudson River. The sun was shining, clouds drifting, breeze gently blowing, and many people looked happy and relaxed. It was a great chance to get some exercise and be in the fresh air. Take care of yourselves, my friends and enjoy your families.
Sunday, June 8, 2014
So many people write wonderful reviews for Thai Massage NYC
I truly appreciate the time my clients take to write me the reviews. While some are blocked by the electronic filters for who knows what reason, I am placing them here for all to see.
- Philippa G. wrote:
Sunday, June 1, 2014
Working with Fern Thai is about so much more than just giving Massage
Working with Fern is about so much more than just giving massage. It is truly about sharing between the two of us and all of our clients. Massage is an art in which therapist and patient together find the place where mind and body truly relax, finding relief and a sense of peace in the eternal moment. Together, we keep listening to our bodies and sharing the essence of Life and all of it's beauty. The chance to meet and talk with so many of you has been a bonus in my life ~ We talk, practice breathing, do yoga, and have smiles for the rest of our days ~ My name is Nikki, and I look forward to meeting you!
Monday, May 26, 2014
Thai Massage NYC ~ Are You Giving Something to this Country?
Memorial Day is a time of remembrance, when we stop and give thanks for those who have sacrificed their lives for this country. We remember today all those who have served in the Armed Forces. They have helped to protect the people and the land. Thai Massage NYC says thank you to all those who have given of themselves so that we may have life as we know it today.
~ Namaste
~ Namaste
Sunday, May 18, 2014
Thai Massage NYC ~ "We're all just walking each other home" ~ Ram Dass
Each one of us is on our own personal journey in this Life. We set upon a path and meet others along the way.
Practicing Thai Massage I do my best in helping to improve your health. We share some part of our lives in that moment, and after that it is for you to find your way. Wishing the best for you, want you to be healthy and happy.
For in the end, "We're all just walking each other home" ~ Ram Dass
Sunday, May 11, 2014
Thai Massage NYC ~ Happy Mom's Day
Message to Mom's everywhere ~ You have brought new life into this world and for this ultimate gift we give you thanks!
Every living Being on this Earth has a Mother. Take the time to say thank you to your Mom, for giving you Life, for caring for you.
I remember an old woman I used to visit once a Month. Sent to give the Mom Thai Massage, I saw pictures of Family all around the room. She told
me her children never came to visit her, and she seemed very sad when telling me so. It made me realize what Moms want. More than
flowers or gifts or dinners, Moms everywhere just want You ~ to be next to her, to hold her hand, to honor her and to spend some time together.
Give your Love to Mom!
Sunday, May 4, 2014
Thai Massage NYC by Fern Thai ~ Life in the Spring Season ~
Hello Friends ~
I've been out and about with camera in hand, witnessing Life and capturing the Beauty of Spring as it unfolds before us. Everywhere, I see people happy ~ holding hands, smiling, laughing. Bright colors bursting forth, my heart is elated by all I see in this beautiful New York City. Much like the flower, we can open up to show our beauty, bask in the sun, be washed by the rains. Let's be like a flower for today!

Sunday, April 27, 2014
Thai Massage NYC ~ Happy Spring Time
Monday, April 21, 2014
Thai Massage NYC ~ Back in New York
Hello Friends! I just got back from visiting Thailand. Songkran Festival was last week, which is also a time of family getting together. I was hesistant to go because this is the hot season and I was thinking only of myself,
Yet once I was there and with my Family, I realized it was the right choice in the right time. To see the happiness of my Mother and my Niece, to spend time with my Family ~ these make everything else fade away ~ it is always about Love and Sharing, in the end.
Now that I am back in New York,
I look forward to seeing you ~
And sharing the time with you.
See ya!

Sunday, March 30, 2014
Thai Massage NYC by Fern Thai ~ Visiting My Land
Thai Massage NYC by Fern Thai ~ Going Home to Visit my Land, the Land of Smile!
Every year I return home to visit my land, my family, my home, my love. I was a little girl, perhaps six or seven years old the last time I travelled to the village where my Mother grew up, in the East of Thailand known as Isan. Thirty years later I plan to take my Mother to visit her hometown once again. This is a chance for a daughter to spend time with her Mom, and to do something special. We never know how much time we have in this Life before something changes. Give some time to those you love and to those who care about you. Love You ~ Fern Thai.
Sunday, March 23, 2014
Thai Massage NYC ~ Happy Spring Cooking
Thai Massage NYC is Happy for Spring, and cooking beautiful Spicy Fish Tacos, Thai Style. Cooking with love, with joy, sharing that loving creation with others makes for a Happy Spring Day. We can have fun, don't have to be serious ~ we can enjoy the days and practice what we love. This experience of Living is whatever we create it to be. Open your heart, free yourself. Have a Fish Taco!
Sunday, March 16, 2014
Thai Massage NYC ~ Happy To See You ~
Thai Massage NYC by Fern Thai ~ One dear client of mine I had not seen for two years and this week I had the chance to see her once again. When last seen she had been undergoing treatment for Cancer and her mind and body had been ravaged. She needed to be put into a taxi, she could not even remember how to get home. We had lost touch with one another. She recently asked her Chiropractor if he could recommend a Thai Massage therapist, and he told her Fern Thai. She gave me a call the very next day. She looked so beautiful! It was wonderful to see her awake and aware, happy and healthy. In my eyes she is like a flower, looking for water and sun to shine down upon her, so she can open up show the world her beauty. She is in my skin now, fixed in my memory. ~ I love you dear friend and am very happy to see you!
Sunday, March 9, 2014
Thai Massage NYC ~ Who is Lazy, Man?
Thai Yoga Massage could be referred to as Lazy Man Yoga. Sometimes the body is tight and we need to stretch the muscles in order to become more relaxed and comfortable again. Ten to fifteen minutes per day of stretching can be of great benefit, and a yoga practice which incorporates the breath and yoking of the mind all the better. We can assist you in finding ways to open the body through Thai Yoga Massage, and teach you ways to remain open through regular home practice. 

Tuesday, March 4, 2014
Thai Massage NYC Blog: Thai Massage NYC ~ Love You to Be Happy ~
From the Vietnamese Buddhist Monk Thich Nhat Hanh ~ " Do I really want to be Number One? Or do I want to be happy? If you want success, you may sacrifice your happiness for it. You can become a victim of success, but you can never become a victim of happiness."
What is on the inside of you is reflected to the outside. Emotional unhappiness takes place in the mind and often translates into pain in the body. The body is talking to you, telling you that something is wrong. We need to listen to the body and take care of ourselves ~ find a way to be happy, more healthy, live longer and without pain.
Give yourself a little love with Thai Massage today.
Sunday, March 2, 2014
Thai Massage NYC ~ Love You to Be Happy ~
From the Vietnamese Buddhist Monk Thich Nhat Hanh ~
" Do I really want to be Number One? Or do I want to be happy? If you want success, you may sacrifice your happiness for it. You can become a victim of success, but you can never become a victim of happiness."
What is on the inside of you is reflected to the outside. Emotional unhappiness takes place in the mind and often translates into pain in the body. The body is talking to you, telling you that something is wrong. We need to listen to the body and take care of ourselves ~ find a way to be happy, more healthy, live longer and without pain. Give yourself a little love with Thai Massage today.
Sunday, February 23, 2014
Thai Massage NYC ~ Balance ~
Thai Massage NYC loves you to be aware ~ Whatever it is you are doing, whether working, eating, sleeping, exercising ~ Balance is needed, in order to maintain a natural state of health and happiness. Mindful awareness is the starting point to achieving a state of balance in one's life. Do you practice mindfulness?
Sunday, February 16, 2014
Thai Massage NYC ~ Working Together, in the Moment ~
When I begin working with a new client, I always ask: Do you know about Thai Massage? What happened to you? Do you have any problem on your body? How long have you had this problem? What kind of job do you have ~ sitting a lot, standing a lot? Do you go to the Gym ~ do you work out?
These types of questions allow me to help you, to figure out what it is that you need. Sometimes I will tell you: I have to hurt you, sorry, but after the session you're going to feel more open in your body. As I concentrate on painful areas I work with your breathing, timing the deep tissue pressure to coincide with the exhales. We are working together, in the moment. We share the time ~ the Goal is your Well-Being.
Thursday, February 13, 2014
Thai Massage NYC ~ Dear New York ~
Tuesday, February 11, 2014
Thai Massage NYC ~ Will you be my Valentine today!
Sunday, February 9, 2014
Thai Massage NYC ~ Valentine's Day ~ Love in a Jar
Valentine's Day is coming soon. Thai Massage NYC by Fern Thai is giving love for everyone each day. Love does not mean diamonds, flowers, or chocolate. For me, love takes place in the heart ~ for parents, friends, children, partners, everyone. Love can be an experience of sharing with another, of caring and giving. Sometimes I share my cooking love with friends ~ Love in a Jar!
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